Issue - meetings

Internal Audit Progress Report

Meeting: 21/03/2018 - Audit Committee (Item 62)

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That the report be accepted.


The Principal Auditor presented the update on progress of the Internal Audit department.  Attention was drawn to action tracking where there were several actions with a revised due date six months beyond the original due date which were being addressed.


The Chief Officer (Governance) provided an update on the Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard (PCIDSS) where ICT solutions were being investigated to identify a system to meet requirements.  He gave assurance that progress was being reported to the senior officer team and that risks were being managed.


In response to comments by Councillor Dolphin on Greenfield Valley, the Chief Executive provided a brief update on the conclusion of the review of governance arrangements where all actions had been completed.  He agreed to speak with Councillor Dolphin outside the meeting regarding issues outside the remit of the Committee.  The Principal Auditor reported that a follow-up audit would be undertaken in the following year to give assurance on actions taken.  Councillor Johnson asked that any information provided to Councillor Dolphin also be shared with all local Members for Holywell.


As requested previously, the Chief Officer drew attention to the overview of final reports issued with an amber/red assurance opinion and sought views on how the Committee wished to receive the information.  Sally Ellis said it would be helpful to give an indication of associated actions with implementation timescales.  She also referred to items deferred from the Plan and questioned how such decisions were made.  The Principal Auditor explained that high-risk audits were prioritised and that new requests were discussed with the relevant Chief Officer to establish the level of risk involved.




That the report be accepted.