Issue - meetings
Regional Regeneration Strategy and Welsh Government Targeted Regeneration Investment programme
Meeting: 16/05/2018 - Community and Enterprise Overview & Scrutiny Committee (Item 6)
Additional documents:
That the draft Regional Regeneration Strategy for submission to Welsh Government be approved.
The Chief Officer (Planning, Environment & Economy) introduced the Regional Regeneration Strategy and Welsh Government (WG) Targeted Regeneration Investment Programme (TRI). WG had launched the TRI to provide funding for regeneration projects across Wales. Funding was conditional upon the submission of a regional regeneration strategy and upon a regionally-prioritised approach to developing investment proposals.
The Enterprise and Regeneration Manager reported that the draft regeneration strategy had been developed within the challenging time scales set for the process and a collaborative approach has been taken across North Wales to develop and prioritise investment and to concentrate limited resources into priority regeneration areas and thematic projects which will make use of the first three years of the TRI programme. The draft North Wales regeneration strategy proposed twelve towns as priority areas for regeneration for WG as shown within the report. The towns had been identified using the Welsh Index of Multiple Deprivation rankings for overall levels of deprivation.
The Cabinet Member for Economic Development advised that the funding allocated for the two towns of Holywell and Shotton, which had been identified as priority areas in Flintshire, would have to be match funded by the Council.
Councillor Rosetta Dolphin said that careful consideration would be needed to assess how the Council would meet the match funding requirements. She raised concerns around shops in Holywell that had received regeneration funding in the past but had let them fall into decline and asked whether it was possible to re-coup this funding. Councillor Ted Palmer expressed his disappointment that Holywell had been identified as a priority area due to the levels of deprivation but commented on the work of Holywell Town Council and its plans for improvement moving forward. He welcomed continued consultation and joint working between the Town Council and the Council. The Enterprise and Regeneration Manager advised that there was a 5 year period in which the Council could re-coup funding if there was a change of use to a property in a town centre.
In response to a question from Councillor Hardcastle around a large property in Connah’s Quay which had remained empty for a number of years, the Deputy Leader and Cabinet Member for Housing advised that the owner of the property was currently selling the property though an auction process. The Enterprise and Regeneration Manager confirmed that the Council had been in discussions with the owner of the property and that development plans were in place.
Councillor Ron Davies felt it unfair that Shotton had been identified as a deprived area, as this only related to a small part of Shotton. The Deputy Leader and Cabinet Member for Housing commented on the need for joint working between multi-agencies and Housing Management to tackle deprived areas going forward.
Councillor Paul Shotton praised the work of Communities First in targeting pathways for employment opportunities.
That the draft Regional Regeneration Strategy for submission to Welsh Government be approved.