Issue - meetings
Risk Management Strategy
Meeting: 21/03/2018 - Audit Committee (Item 59)
59 Risk Management Strategy PDF 96 KB
Additional documents:
- Enc. 1 Int Audit Risk Management Final, item 59 PDF 326 KB
- Enc. 2 RM Policy Strategy 2018, item 59 PDF 631 KB
- Enc. 3 Proposed risk matrix, item 59 PDF 35 KB
That the refresh of the Risk Management Policy and Strategy for 2018 be endorsed, with the addition of responsibilities of Statutory Officers and Cabinet Members in Section 7 on Accountability for Risk.
The Corporate Business & Communications Executive Officer presented a report on the refresh of the Risk Management Strategy in response to the findings of the recent Internal Audit of risk management of operational risks. Information was also shared on a number of actions being taken to address the areas identified for further improvement.
In order to expand on Section 7 of the Strategy on ‘Accountability for Risk’, an addendum was circulated setting out the responsibilities of statutory officers to be included as paragraph 7.2 followed by the responsibilities of the Chief Officer Team. The Chief Executive suggested that the section could be further expanded by clarifying the responsibilities of Cabinet Members.
Councillor Woolley raised concerns about references to the ‘CAMMS’ system within the Internal Audit report. The Executive Officer explained that the system was used where appropriate on strategic/corporate issues and that there were additional mechanisms outside the system to manage risks. The Chief Executive spoke about adopting a shift in culture to escalate risks that were developing within portfolios at an earlier stage.
That the refresh of the Risk Management Policy and Strategy for 2018 be endorsed, with the addition of responsibilities of Statutory Officers and Cabinet Members in Section 7 on Accountability for Risk.