Issue - meetings
Invitation to Prepare a Strategic Development Plan
Meeting: 20/03/2018 - Cabinet (Item 149)
149 Invitation to Prepare a Strategic Development Plan PDF 103 KB
Additional documents:
- Enc. 1 for Invitation to Prepare a Strategic Development Plan, item 149 PDF 838 KB
- Enc. 2 for Invitation to Prepare a Strategic Development Plan, item 149 PDF 23 KB
As detailed in the recommendation.
Councillor Bithell introduced the Invitation to Prepare a Strategic Development Plan report which explained that the Cabinet Secretary for Energy, Planning and Rural Affairs had written to all Local Authorities in North Wales inviting them for their views on the preparation of a Strategic Development Plan (SDP) for the region.
The same letter had been sent to South East, Mid. and West Wales Local Authorities on the basis that each of those regions had either existing, or emerging, City Deal or Growth Deal proposals. The letter was appended to the report with a proposed response also being appended.
The Chief Officer (Planning and Environment) said the Cabinet Secretary’s letter made no mention of how, or who, would produce the SDP however it was a fair assumption at this stage that the Plan would be produced collaboratively by the region’s Local Planning Authorities and there would be limited, if any, further resources provided at a regional or national level.
That the proposed response to the Cabinet Secretary as detailed in Appendix 2 be agreed.