Issue - meetings
Budget Stage 2: Review of Car Parking Charges
Meeting: 20/03/2018 - Cabinet (Item 148)
148 Budget Stage 2: Review of Car Parking Charges PDF 131 KB
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As detailed in the recommendations with the amendment to the 30p charge for 30 minutes being extended to a 30p charge for 1 hour instead.
Councillor Thomas introduced the Budget Stage 2: Review of Car Parking Charges report which proposed a final charging policy and a commencement date for car parking charges in Flint.
In December 2017 Council approved the Stage 2 proposals for the Council Fund Budget 2018/19 which included car parking charges. This was subject to several specific proposals being referred to Overview and Scrutiny for detailed scrutiny prior to further consideration at Cabinet. Car parking charges were discussed by members of the Environment Overview and Scrutiny Committee, which was open to all Councillors, on 16th January 2018 where a number of suggestions were made and detailed in the report. Some of the proposals made could not be accommodated, with the reasons why outlined in the report.
A joint meeting of Corporate Resources Overview and Scrutiny and Environment Overview and Scrutiny had been arranged for 15th March 2018 where the Cabinet report detailing the proposals was discussed. This was a joint meeting as Corporate Resources was the lead Committee for budget scrutiny and Environment had the car parking policy and operations as part of its remit. A full list of the issues raised at that meeting were handed out to Cabinet Members with the responses given, including verbal feedback from the Democratic Services Manager. Following comments at the joint meeting, it was proposed to change the charge in the Appendix from 30p for 30 minutes, to 30p for 60 minutes. The impact on the budget would be £11k, however if annual permits were sold to businesses, this would generate a further £15k which would cover the impact. The Appendix provided details of all charges; the new charging arrangements would be advertised in each car park during April 2018 and would come into effect from 14th May 2018. In addition to that comment, the Joint Committee had also asked for a breakdown of management and maintenance costs for 2017/18 and 2018/19 and a full list of charged and non-charged car parks which had been provided.
The introduction of car parking charges in Flint had been delayed due to the general unavailability of car parking spaces in the town as a result of the town centre regeneration programme which was now close to completion. On street parking orders would be introduced on some roads in the area at the same time as the car parking charges. Subject to objections, the target date for introducing the new charging arrangements would be 21st May 2018.
The Chief Officer (Streetscene and Transportation) explained that Town Councils may consider subsidising car parking charges in their area and any such proposal would be considered on merit and deliverability within the current car parking strategy.
The Chief Executive confirmed that a review of the revised car parking charges would take place in six months’ time.
Councillor Shotton said the proposals had been considered at Overview and Scrutiny Committees twice with the initial proposals being changed following the comments made. He thanked Councillor Thomas, the Chief Officer and ... view the full minutes text for item 148