Issue - meetings
Revision of the Corporate Operating Model
Meeting: 20/03/2018 - Cabinet (Item 158)
Revision of the Corporate Operating Model
As detailed in the recommendations.
The Chief Executive introduced the Revision of the Corporate Operating Model report which made recommendations for the following:
· Permanency of the arrangements for the management of the portfolio of the Chief Officer (People and Resources) and the deletion of the vacant post from the organisational structure;
· To start a recruitment process for the appointment of a permanent Chief Officer (Education and Youth);
· The redistribution of the responsibilities of the Chief Officer (Community and Enterprise) amongst the remaining Chief Officer Team and the deletion of that post from the structure;
· The transfer of some functions between the two existing Chief Officer (Organisational Change) posts to create a single position of Chief Officer (Strategic Programmes); and
· The re-designation of three of the remaining Chief Officer positions.
He thanked all the Chief Officers for their support in developing the proposals which saw opportunities being provided for individuals.
(a) That the revised Chief Officer Team structure as proposed by the Chief Executive be endorsed for implementation;
(b) That the advice of the Chief Executive as Head of Paid Service that this revised model will be sufficient for the management of the Council, its functions and its duties be noted and accepted as an assurance;
(c) That the Council embark on the recruitment for the appointment of a permanent Chief Officer (Education and Youth) through the established recruitment process involving a Member Appointments Panel;
(d) That the roles and delegations of the current post of Chief Officer (Community and Enterprise) be realigned according to the revised model;
(e) That a single post of Chief Officer leading strategic and organisational change be created in the revised model;
(f) That the Chief Executive be given delegated authority to make immediate adjustments to the supporting portfolio management structures beneath the Chief Officer positions, as is expedient to ensure service performance and continuity, in consultation with the Leader of the Council and the respective Cabinet Members; and
(g) That the above changes be reflected in an amended version of the Constitution as necessary.