Issue - meetings

Children's Out of County Placements

Meeting: 29/03/2018 - Social & Health Care Overview & Scrutiny Committee (Item 52)

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(a)       That the Committee supports the approach being undertaken to secure the most effective delivery of positive outcomes for children and better managed demands for placements; and

(b)       That a representative of CAMHS be invited to attend a meeting of the Committee to be held  in June.



The Senior Manager, Children and Workforce explained that Corporate Resources Overview Scrutiny Committee had referred the provision, and costs associated with Out of County placements for children and young people, to the Social and Health Overview and Scrutiny Committee.  The Senior Manager, Children and Workforce introduced a report to endorse a fundamental review of residential placements for children and young people.  He advised that the aim of the review was to enable the Authority to more proactively support vulnerable children with complex care and education needs, better manage demand for placements, and develop the market to be more responsive and affordable.


                        The Senior Manager, Children and Workforce provided background information and context and commented on the current challenge in finding appropriate residential placements for children and young people.  He referred to a project across the Social Services and Education portfolios regarding out of county placements to develop further insight into current and future need, the options for support/placements, and associated costs.  He reported on the main considerations as detailed in the report.


                        In response to a comment from Councillor Kevin Hughes on the need to increase foster caring in Flintshire, the Senior Manager, Children and Workforce explained that a range of initiatives were being considered to improve the local position.


                        Councillor Dave Mackie referred to the information in the report on the average cost of placement per year and commented on the negative impact on recruitment of agency foster carers in Flintshire. 


                        In response to the comments and concerns expressed around foster caring the Senior Manager Children and Workforce, advised that there was no difficulty in finding placements in foster care for young children, however, the position was more challenging in terms of placements of large sibling groups and teenagers with complex needs. 


In response to a suggestion by Councillor McGuill on the use of short term external residential activity centres or events to manage  difficult situations the Senior Manager, Children and Workforce explained that care and support could only be provided in a registered setting.


                        The Chair expressed concern that there was no additional provision available from the Welsh Government to assist the Authority should it have to provide for a sibling group with complex needs.


Councillor Hilary McGuill commented on the waiting time for young people to be assessed by Children and Adolescent Mental Health Services (CAMHS).  The Senior Manager, Children and Workforce advised that there had been significant national investment in

CAMHS and Looked After Children were a priority and would have a CAMHS assessment within 28 days. During discussion it was agreed that a representative of CAMHS would be invited to attend a meeting of the Committee in June.


(a)       That the Committee supports the approach being undertaken to secure the most effective delivery of positive outcomes for children and better managed demands for placements; and

(b)       That a representative of CAMHS be invited to attend a meeting of the Committee to be held  in June.