Issue - meetings

Strengthening Local Democracy – delivering for people

Meeting: 24/04/2018 - Flintshire County Council (Item 128)

128 Welsh Government Consultation Paper Strengthening Local Government: Delivering for People pdf icon PDF 98 KB

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That a response to the consultation be sent, based on the report, presentation and discussion, and copied to Group Leaders for information.


The Chief Executive introduced the report on a response to the Welsh Government green paper Strengthening Local Government: Delivering for People.  He provided background information and context and gave a presentation which covered the following main points:


·         Local Government reform – pre-history

·         Local Government reform – on or off ?

·         latest Green Paper 1

·         latest Green Paper 2

·         why an obsession in Wales?

·         the real big issues

·         our consistent position 1 and 2

·         risks of a structural reform 1 and 2

·         making a constructive response


                        The Chief Executive advised that the deadline for consultation on the green was 12 June 2018  and that it set out structured consultation questions for a response to be made.  He explained that guidance was sought from Members on a response that the Council could make on their behalf. 


Councillor Aaron Shotton referred to the progress which had been achieved on the North Wales Growth Deal and the positive relationships that were being developed with the Government and the Welsh Government around a Growth Deal.  He also referred to the ‘Back the Bid’ campaign and coverage in the local and national press to engender interest and confidence in businesses in North Wales and in what was being achieved in the region.   Councillor Shotton also commented on the current united North Wales position and said there was the potential for further regional collaboration to take place and that the aims of Mark Drakeford AM, former Cabinet Secretary for Local Government, announced in  2017 in favour of enhanced regional working, should be given full opportunity


Councillor Aaron Shotton commented on the  need for a robust analysis of the cost and the benefits of local government reform to be carried out as a starting point to determine if the proposals should be undertaken.   He proposed that the need to provide a response on consultation to the green paper be delegated to group leaders to form an agreed response.  He welcomed the opportunity to strengthen powers but said there was a lack of detail in the report regarding how this could be applied.  He referred to the need to support the response of the Welsh Local Government Association (WLGA) particularly in response to option 3, and said  there was “no appetite in Wales for option 3”.  He emphasised the importance of maintaining the good relationship the Authority had developed with other local authorities and referred to the importance of economic growth and the ambition of the Growth Board.  


Councillor Peers supported the views expressed by Councillor Aaron Shotton and commented on the need to consider the impact of the proposal for structural reform of local government on local communities.  He commented on the work in progress on the North Wales Growth Deal which he said could be undermined by any reorganisation. 


Councillors Tony Sharps, Hilary McGuill, Arnold Woolley and Carol Ellis spoke against the proposals and queried the benefits to be gained from voluntary mergers or a single directive merger programme.  The financial costs of the proposed reforms, the  ...  view the full minutes text for item 128