Issue - meetings
Early Help Hub
Meeting: 24/05/2018 - Joint Education & Youth and Social & Health Care Overview & Scrutiny Committee (Item 7)
7 Flintshire Early Help Hub PDF 100 KB
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(a) That the Committee congratulate officers on the work which had been undertaken on the Early Help Hub;
(b) That the ongoing work and commitment to the Early Help Hub as part of a wider programme to support families experiencing trauma aligned to Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACE’s) be supported; and
(c) That the Committee support the collection of data and evidence to demonstrate the need for continued Families First funding from Welsh Government.
The Senior Manager Integrated Youth Provision, introduced a report to provide an overview of the operation and effectiveness of the Early Help Hub. She provided background information and invited the Senior Manager Children and Workforce to present the report.
The Senior Manager Children and Workforce explained that the Hub offered families advice and assistance when previously referrals would not have been actioned and there was a high risk of a repeat referral back to Children’s Services with more complex need being defined. He reported on the development of the Early Help Hub which could be summarised into the following phases:
- Design
- Soft launch
- Implementation
Members spoke in support of the excellent work which had been undertaken on the Early Help Hub and congratulated officers on their achievements. Members also spoke in support of the collaborative work which had been undertaken to design and develop the Hub with multi-partner agencies, citing the North Wales Police and Public Service Board as an example.
Mrs. Rebecca Stark commented on the need for funding to be continued in the future and asked how the profile of the Early Help Hub could be raised to ensure the Welsh Government, other authorities and organisations/bodies, were aware of the work and the positive outcomes being achieved in Flintshire.
(a) That the Committee congratulate officers on the work which had been undertaken on the Early Help Hub;
(b) That the ongoing work and commitment to the Early Help Hub as part of a wider programme to support families experiencing trauma aligned to Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACE’s) be supported; and
(c) That the Committee support the collection of data and evidence to demonstrate the need for continued Families First funding from Welsh Government.