Issue - meetings
Year-end Council Plan 2017/18 Monitoring Report
Meeting: 14/06/2018 - Social & Health Care Overview & Scrutiny Committee (Item 16)
16 Year-end Council Plan 2017/18 Monitoring Report PDF 162 KB
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That the report be noted.
The Chief Officer (Social Services) introduced the Year-end Council Plan Monitoring Report 2017/18. He explained that the report presented the monitoring of progress at the end of year for the Council Plan priority ‘Supportive Council’ which was relevant to the Committee.
The Chief Officer provided background information and advised that the monitoring report for the 2017/18 Council Plan was a positive report, with 83% of activities being assessed as having made good progress, and 74% having achieved the desired outcome. Performance Indicators showed good progress with 56% meeting or near to period target. Risks were also being successfully managed with the majority being assessed as moderate (63%), minor (8%) or insignificant (6%).
The Chief Officer reported that the following performance indicators showed a red status for current performance against target for the Committee:
- Percentage of care homes that have achieved bronze standard who have also achieved silver standard for Progress for providers
Referring to the above indicator the Chief Officer explained that the target had been overly ambitious as the actual performance was exemplary with the Council taking forward sector leading progress with the achievement of the bonze award in 10 homes. He continued that the approach had been shortlisted in the biannual Care Accolade awards taking place in September 2018.
- Percentage of employees who have completed the level 1 e-learning training package to meet the requirements of the Domestic Abuse and Sexual Violence National Training Framework
The Chief Officer advised that an action plan was produced for each performance indicator which showed a Red status which would look in detail at what steps could be taken to mitigate future underperformance and whether the indicator should be carried forward to the 2018/19 Council Plan.
The Chief Officer advised that the following major risks had been identified and progress against the risks in the Council Plan were included in the appendix to the report.
- demand outstrips supply for residential nursing home care home bed availability
- knowledge and awareness of safeguarding not sufficiently developed in all portfolios
- failure to implement safeguarding training may impact on cases not being recognised at an early stage
Referring to indicator on page 186, Councillor Hilary McGuill asked if a copy of the national data referred to in the report could be provided to the Committee. The Chief Officer agreed to provide the information. Indicator Page 188.
The Chair congratulated the Chief Officer (Social Services) and his team on the performance achieved.
That the report be noted.