Issue - meetings
Welsh Government late underspend allocations
Meeting: 17/05/2018 - Corporate Resources Overview & Scrutiny Committee (Item 9)
9 Welsh Government late underspend allocations PDF 74 KB
Additional documents:
That the Welsh Government late underspend allocations be noted.
The Corporate Finance Manager presented a report on Welsh Government late underspend allocations. It was explained that in the 2017/18 financial year, a number of additional specific grant allocations had been received in the final months and weeks of the final year and that appendix one of the report provided a summary of grants received and included any impact and consequences of the late notifications.
Officers were asked to make a distinction between those schemes where there was an expectation of additional finance being made available at year end and those which were unexpected.
The Chief Executive confirmed that the final three grants listed were unexpected and some of these which related to transportation had been expected but it was uncertain in which year they would be allocated.
The Deputy Leader and Cabinet Member for Housing explained that in certain areas Streetscene and school transport plans were in place so that they could be submitted to Welsh Government should any grants become available.
The Corporate Finance Manager added that maximising grant funding was always the intention and that where grant funding was not able to be spent by year end other options would be considered to avoid any loss of grant.
That the Welsh Government late underspend allocations be noted.