Issue - meetings
Theatr Clwyd Revised Board of Governors Model
Meeting: 22/05/2018 - Cabinet (Item 180)
180 Theatr Clwyd Revised Board of Governors Model PDF 89 KB
As detailed in the recommendation.
The Chief Officer (Strategic Programmes) introduced the Theatr Clwyd Revised Board of Governors Model report which provided an update on the progress of the work of revising the model for the Theatr Board of Governors including proposing the appointments of individuals to the Board.
The list of the 13 individuals being proposed to act as Board members for the year 2018/19 was in the report.
The Chief Executive explained that the net steps in refreshing and revising the model for the Board of Governors would be an induction for all Board members at the beginning of June, followed by the first Board meeting later that month. A revised terms of reference for the Board would then be brought back to Cabinet.
That the appointment of the 13 Board members as outlined in the report, and in accordance with the new Board model, endorsed by Council, be approved.