Issue - meetings

Parliamentary Review of Health & Social Care

Meeting: 22/05/2018 - Cabinet (Item 176)

176 Parliamentary Review of Health & Social Care pdf icon PDF 99 KB

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As detailed in the recommendations.


Councillor Jones introduced the Parliamentary Review of Health and Social Care report which provided details and next steps following final publication of the report.


            The demand for health and social care had increased dramatically over the last 20 years.  This had created a significant challenge for public services and the Parliamentary Review into Health and Social Care was established by Welsh Government (WG) to identify how public services might better anticipate and address the new demands being put upon them.


            Based on the findings of the consultation and stakeholder forums, the final report made ten recommendations to WG which closely mirrored the findings from the Interim Report which was produced in July 2017.  The recommendations were summarised in the report.


            The Chief Officer (Social Services) added that details had been received on an Innovation and Transformation Fund with £100m being available across Wales over the next two years.  It was expected that North Wales would receive approximately £10m and a bidding process would commence in June.


            Councillor Thomas commented on the importance of helping people to remain in their own homes to avoid social isolation, a key part of which was the provision of public transport.  She suggested that some of the funding from the Innovation and Transformation Fund could be used for that purpose.  The Chief Officer welcomed the suggestion and explained that recommendation 7: ‘Harness innovation, and accelerate technology and infrastructure developments’ was aimed at such things.  Councillor Shotton said the digital strategy element of recommendation number 7 could be linked to the North Wales Growth Deal Bid.




            (a)       That the response to the report be approved; and


(b)       That Cabinet contribute to the national work through Flintshire County Council representation at the North Wales Regional Programme Board.