Issue - meetings

Year-end Council Plan Monitoring Report 2017/18

Meeting: 22/05/2018 - Cabinet (Item 174)

174 Year-end Council Plan Monitoring Report 2017/18 pdf icon PDF 189 KB

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As detailed in the recommendations.


Councillor Mullin introduced the Year-End Council Plan Monitoring Report 2017/18.  Flintshire was a high performing Council as was evidenced in previous Council Plan monitoring reports as well as in the Annual Performance reports.


            The Chief Executive said this was an early outturn report with the respective service areas being submitted to the relevant Overview and Scrutiny Committees.  Corporate Resources Overview and Scrutiny Committee would receive the full report.


            Where targets had not been met or where a performance indicator showed a red RAG status, an action plan would be produced which would look in detail at what steps could be taken to mitigate future underperformance and whether the indicator should be carried over to the 2018/19 Council Plan to keep its profile.  The action plans would first be reported to Cabinet.


            The Corporate Business and Communications Executive Officer added that it was a positive report with 83% of activities being assessed as having made good progress and 74% having achieved the desired outcome.  Performance indicators showed good progress with 56% meeting or near to period target.  Risks were being successfully managed with the majority being assessed as moderate (63%), minor 8% or insignificant (6%).  On the risks, she explained that the majority were influenced by external factors such as changes in funding.




(a)       That the levels of progress, performance and risk in the Year-end Council Plan 2017/18 monitoring report be noted and endorsed; and


(b)       That Cabinet be assured by plans and actions to manage the delivery of the 2017/18 Council Plan.