Issue - meetings
Follow Up Report Planning Enforcement
Meeting: 06/06/2018 - Audit Committee (Item 9)
9 Follow Up Report Planning Enforcement PDF 72 KB
Additional documents:
That the progress made in implementing the actions from the original report be noted.
The Internal Audit Manager presented the follow-up report to the red assurance report on Planning Enforcement considered by the Committee in September 2017. She reported that reasonable progress had been made in implementing the recommendations and that the only outstanding action was on employee training which had been delayed due to team restructuring.
As a further update on key actions, the Chief Officer (Planning, Environment & Economy) advised that responses to the consultation on the revised draft Enforcement Policy would be considered by the Planning Strategy Group in July before adoption. The restructure of the team meant that the area teams were now embedded with Enforcement and work on process mapping had been completed. The most significant change was a culture shift within the team which would require time to take full effect.
That the progress made in implementing the actions from the original report be noted.