Issue - meetings
Draft Annual Governance Statement
Meeting: 06/06/2018 - Audit Committee (Item 5)
5 Draft Annual Governance Statement PDF 79 KB
To receive for endorsement the annual revision of the Annual Governance Statement
Additional documents:
That the Committee recommends to the Council the Annual Governance Statement 2017/18 to be attached to the Statement of Accounts.
The Corporate Business & Communications Executive Officer presented the Annual Government Statement (AGS) 2017/18 to consider for recommendation to County Council to accompany the Statement of Accounts. She gave a presentation covering the following:
· Code of Corporate Governance
· Approach to review
· Content
· Key risks and follow through
Matthew Edwards explained the practice for the Wales Audit Office (WAO) to report back on the format and content of the approved AGS as part of work on the audit of the Statement of Accounts.
The Chief Executive spoke about the preparation process for the AGS which had become more rigorous year on year.
Sally Ellis welcomed the links to issues throughout the year which were evident in the document. In response to comments on similar areas identified for improvement in 2016/17 and 2017/18, the Chief Executive gave examples of some areas where improvement was expected and others where risks could not be wholly mitigated in any organisation, despite rigorous challenge. He suggested that officers could reflect on areas diminishing in risk and others reoccurring each year to provide more detail to the Committee. It was also agreed that the six monthly progress report would include more clarity on those risk areas.
Following comments from Councillor Johnson on terminology within the document, officers agreed to insert the word ‘positive’ before ‘engagement with Trade Unions’ to reflect the good relationship with the Council.
That the Committee recommends to the Council the Annual Governance Statement 2017/18 to be attached to the Statement of Accounts.