Issue - meetings

Home to School Transport- Policy Review

Meeting: 19/06/2018 - Cabinet (Item 189)

189 Home to School Transport- Policy Review pdf icon PDF 96 KB

Additional documents:


(a)       That Cabinet agree not to proceed with a review of Welsh Medium transport entitlement policy or of Denominational transport entitlement policy at this time;


(b)       That Cabinet opens a review of Post-16 transport entitlement and of Benefits entitlement policies; and


(c)        That Welsh Government be asked to include nursery education within the review of the Welsh Learner Travel Measure.


Councillor Roberts introduced the Home to School Transport – Policy Review report which had not been reviewed for some time.


                        There was no pre-determined view on the policy which needed to be fair, equitable and sustainable for the future.  Any review would be a neutral act and would explore need, the rights and expectations of learners and not just cost and affordability.  There were no proposals to introduce charges as part of the report before Cabinet Members.


                        The Council’s commitment to Welsh Medium education and its growth was unequivocal and any policy needed to support and not be in conflict with that objective.  The Council was proud of the fact that its Welsh in Education Strategic Plan (WESP) had been approved by Welsh Government (WG).   The Council was also clear that access to faith education had to be facilitated by accessible and affordable transport.


                        Coleg Cambria and the Council needed to consider, as partners, a fair, consistent, sustainable and affordable policy for transport access to post-16 education for the future.  Many other local authorities had already made policy changes in this area.


                        He did not recommend that a review of Welsh Medium transport entitlement be undertaken or Denominational transport entitlement at this time.  He did propose that a review be opened on a review of Post-16 transport entitlement and of Benefits entitlements policies.  Those reviews had no pre-determined outcome and the consultation process would take into account all stakeholder views and risk factors.  Cabinet would receive a full report on the consultation process in due course.


                        Flintshire was a low funded Council and needed sufficient funding to maintain the transport subsidies it provided.  He called upon WG to prioritise investment in education in the Welsh Budget and the Local Government Settlement from 2019/20, particularly in support of the shared aspiration to increase the number of Welsh Medium learners in North East Wales.  This was supported by Councillor Bithell.


                        Councillor Thomas commented on news reports which had been untrue and were not helpful to the public.  She proposed that WG should also be asked to include and fund nursery education within the Welsh Learner Travel Measure which was supported.


                        The Chief Executive added that the case had been made by the Welsh Local Government Association that any new responsibilities, such as increasing the number of Welsh Medium learners, should come with the required funding from WG.




(a)       That Cabinet agree not to proceed with a review of Welsh Medium transport entitlement policy or of Denominational transport entitlement at this time;


(b)       That Cabinet opens a review of Post-16 transport entitlement and of Benefits entitlement policies; and


(c)        That Welsh Government be asked to include and fund nursery education within the review of the Welsh Learner Travel Measure.