Issue - meetings
Flint Foreshore Regeneration
Meeting: 19/06/2018 - Cabinet (Item 197)
197 Flint Foreshore Regeneration PDF 84 KB
As detailed in the recommendations.
Councillor Roberts introduced the Flint Foreshore Regeneration report which recommended progress on the Flint Foreshore Feasibility Study and Flint Castle Art Research and Development to a next stage of development. This included work on detailed design and development of the joint facility, and installation of a major piece of public art at Flint Castle. Progress would be subject to the other partners’ in the work agreement.
He thanked the Chief Officer (Strategic Programmes) for the work undertaken on this project which had at times been challenging. Councillor Butler also paid recognition to the work that Councillor Roberts had also contributed to the project.
(a) That the findings of the feasibility report on the regeneration of the Flint Foreshore be accepted and more detailed work to be progressed, including: detailed design and development; development of the capital funding package; and detailed business planning; and
(b) That the findings of the Flint Castle Art Research and Development report be accepted and the development of a major piece of public art sited at or around Flint Castle is progressed.