Issue - meetings
Repairing Potholes and Preparing the Annual Carriageway Resurfacing Programme
Meeting: 19/06/2018 - Cabinet (Item 198)
198 Repairing Potholes and Preparing the Annual Carriageway Resurfacing Programme PDF 82 KB
Additional documents:
As detailed in the recommendation.
Councillor Thomas introduced the Repairing Potholes and Preparing the Annual Carriageway Resurfacing Programme report which sought approval of the proposed carriageway resurfacing programmes for 2018/19.
Road and weather conditions determined whether it was cost effective for pothole repairs to be permanent or a temporary fill to remove the immediate danger they posed. The weather forecast, availability of resources and condition of the network were all considered when planning the appropriate response to defect repairs each week during the winter period.
Ideally the Council would like to achieve a continuance of the current condition level knows as “Steady State”. The level of capital investment required to achieve that position was £2,745,680 per year. That level of investment would simply maintain the condition of the carriageways at the current level and few Councils in Wales achieved investment at that level. Every effort was made to maximise the available funding and to ensure that it was used to repair the roads most in need of attention.
The Council’s allocation of Welsh Government (WG) funding for road maintenance schemes together with the Council’s capital allocation were therefore carefully allocated to provide maximum benefits. All roads were surveyed to develop the programmes for resurfacing, the details of which were appended to the report.
Councillor Roberts commented on the resurfacing scheduled to take place on the A548 and requested that the signs leading to the A548 have the details shown on them, informing of long delays, to enable drivers to choose an alternative route so that congestion could be kept to a minimum.
That the programmes of highway resurfacing works be approved.