Issue - meetings
Integrated Impact Assessment (IIA)
Meeting: 12/07/2018 - Corporate Resources Overview & Scrutiny Committee (Item 29)
29 Integrated Impact Assessment (IIA) PDF 87 KB
Additional documents:
That the Committee welcomes the Integrated Impact Assessment and understands its purpose and uses
The Chief Executive introduced the report to enable the Committee’s understanding and application of the Integrated Impact Assessment (IIA). He provided background information and invited the Corporate Business and Communications Executive Officer to give a presentation on the Integrated Impact Assessment. The main points of the presentation were:
· what do we mean by an Integrated Impact Assessment?
· what are the benefits ?
· Flintshire’s approach
· next steps
Councillor Richard Jones commented on the consequences and impact of actions taken by the Authority and suggested that there was a need to provide a simpler system to assist understanding and scrutiny of matters. The Chief Executive acknowledged the comments and said that he was confident that the MTFS workshop, to be held on 23 July, would answer some of the concerns raised.
Councillor Patrick Heesom expressed concern that the proposals put forward for the model IIA were imposing a view/solutions on service users and local communities and said more work needed to be undertaken on the tool kit.
Councillor Arnold Woolley referred to the risk matrix which he said could be applied to consider the effect of decision making proposals.
The Chair commented on the need to include equality in work and the rights of children in the IIA. He asked if the Children’s Commissioner for Wales had been contacted. The Corporate Business and Communications Executive Officer said she would look into this.
The Chief Executive gave an assurance that the impact of the decisions made by the Authority were been given due and fair consideration. He reminded the Committee that the IIA was only intended to be used (a) proportionately and (b) for the most significant policy and service/budget review decisions.
That the Committee welcomes the Integrated Impact Assessment and understands its purpose and uses