Issue - meetings
Welsh Language Promotion Strategy
Meeting: 14/02/2019 - Corporate Resources Overview & Scrutiny Committee (Item 93)
93 Welsh Language Promotion Strategy PDF 98 KB
Additional documents:
- Enc. 1 - Welsh Language Promotion Strategy, item 93
PDF 632 KB
- Enc. 2 - Consultation responses, item 93
(a) That the Committee endorses the Welsh Language Promotion Strategy, prior to adoption by Cabinet; and
(b) That the Committee supports a review of opportunities to work in partnership with Wrexham County Borough Council, Menter Iaith Fflint a Wrecsam and other key stakeholders to develop a sub-regional forum to monitor and progress both counties’ Welsh Language Promotion Strategies.
The Strategic Policy Advisor presented a report with the final five-year Welsh Language Promotion Strategy for Flintshire for consideration prior to adoption by Cabinet. It was a requirement of the Welsh Language (Wales) Measure 2011 to produce a strategy to promote and facilitate use of the Welsh language.
An overview was given of the main points raised during the consultation process which had generated responses from 157 individuals. It was recognised that in order to achieve the Welsh Government (WG) target to increase the number of Welsh speakers, the Council would need to work with a range of partners to promote Welsh learning and increase opportunities for using Welsh. It was also recognised that a partnership approach between Flintshire and Wrexham to build on the work of an existing Welsh Language forum could be explored to promote the strategies of both Councils and share learning.
In welcoming the report, Councillor Heesom referred to creative industries and arts where greater use of the Welsh language could flourish. The Chief Executive suggested that examples of Welsh language initiatives in Theatr Clwyd and hubs could be reflected more clearly in the Strategy.
On funding, Councillor Bateman was advised that opportunities to access grants were being highlighted to small businesses and voluntary organisations.
Councillor Johnson paid tribute to Councillor Paul Cunningham, as the Chairman of the Council, in showing leadership on the Welsh language and asked that the Strategy make reference to the ‘Cadi Ha’ event in Holywell.
Councillor Cunningham thanked Councillor Tudor Jones for raising the profile of the Welsh language and he praised the opportunities available for learners. A letter from Councillor Jones was circulated to the Committee in which he thanked Members for their participation in the recent survey which had produced pleasing results.
(a) That the Committee endorses the Welsh Language Promotion Strategy, prior to adoption by Cabinet; and
(b) That the Committee supports a review of opportunities to work in partnership with Wrexham County Borough Council, Menter Iaith Fflint a Wrecsam and other key stakeholders to develop a sub-regional forum to monitor and progress both counties’ Welsh Language Promotion Strategies.