Issue - meetings
Workforce Information Report Quarter 2 2018/19
Meeting: 13/12/2018 - Corporate Resources Overview & Scrutiny Committee (Item 72)
72 Workforce Information Report Quarter 2 2018/19 PDF 95 KB
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That the Workforce Information Report for Quarter 2 2018/19 to 30 June 2018 be noted.
The Senior Manager, Human Resources and Organisational Development presented the workforce information report on Quarter 2 of 2018/19.
Changes in headcount figures were mainly due to the group of playworkers appointed on short-term contracts during the summer. There was a downturn in attendance figures compared to the same period in 2017/18 and work was ongoing to understand the reason for the shift in Quarter 1.
An improved position on the use of agency workers was expected to continue following the appointment of permanent Streetscene posts early in the New Year and the resolution of three long-term contracts.
In response to Councillor Johnson’s comment, managers were aware that the practice of employees using annual leave as an alternative to sickness leave was unacceptable for a number of reasons.
The Senior Manager provided clarification to Councillor Jones on the notice period for teachers which impacted on the number of voluntary leavers in the report. On expected changes to the headcount figures for schools, reference was made to the need to develop a new pay model whilst acknowledging the financial challenges faced by the Council.
That the Workforce Information Report for Quarter 2 2018/19 to 30 June 2018 be noted.