Issue - meetings

Taxi and Private Hire Vehicle Licensing in Wales

Meeting: 28/06/2018 - Licensing Committee (Item 8)

8 Taxi and Private Hire Vehicle Licensing in Wales pdf icon PDF 79 KB

To inform Members of a proposed new law for Wales


That the report be noted.


            The Licensing Team Leader introduced the report to inform of proposed changes in legislation for Wales, in relation to taxi and private hire vehicle licensing in Wales.


            Following commencement of relevant provisions of the Wales Act 2017, licensing of taxis and private hire vehicles would be a matter within the legislative competence of the National Assembly for Wales.  It was under this new devolved settlement that the Welsh Government (WG) had again considered the proposals for the framework for licensing taxis and private hire vehicles put forward by the Law Commission, for the purposes of bringing new arrangement into effect in relation to Wales.  The proposed arrangements were detailed within section 1.03 of the report.


            In conclusion, the Licensing Team Leader advised that the WG considered that the majority of the recommendations put forward by the Law Commission would, if introduced, clarify and simplify the legislation governing the licensing of taxis and private hire vehicles.  A public consultation was launched on 12 June, 2017 and following the results of the consultation, the WG intended to publish a White Paper in summer 2018.  Proposals included in the White Paper were detailed in section 1.06 of the report.


            Councillor Dave Cox asked if the White Paper had been published by WG.  The Licensing Team Leader advised that was yet to be published but Members would be updated on its progress.  Any changes to the legislation would need to be implemented by the Licensing Team.


            The Chairman commented on the proposals for all taxi firm employees to undertake a basic Disclosure and Barring Service (DBS) check.  The Licensing Team Leader welcomed this proposal as many employees handled sensitive information on members of the public and it was important to ensure public safety.




That the report be noted.