Issue - meetings
Bailey Hill – Tri-Partite Management Agreement and Project Update
Meeting: 25/09/2018 - Cabinet (Item 235)
235 Bailey Hill – Tri-Partite Management Agreement and Project Update PDF 99 KB
Additional documents:
- Enc. 1 for Bailey Hill – Tri-Partite Management Agreement and Project Update, item 235 PDF 157 KB
- Enc. 2 for Bailey Hill – Tri-Partite Management Agreement and Project Update, item 235 PDF 156 KB
As detailed in the recommendations.
Councillor Bithell, having earlier declared a personal and prejudicial interest, left the room during the debate on this item.
Councillor Thomas introduced the Bailey Hill – Tri-Partite Management Agreement and Project Update report which provided the background to the agreement, the delivery of the project over the next three years and the Council’s position and liabilities.
The approved elements of the Bailey Hill project were outlined in the report alongside the project funding breakdown. She paid tribute to the previous Chief Officer, Ian Bancroft, for his work on this project. The Chief Officer (Planning, Environment and Economy), concurred with the comments of the Cabinet Member and said the work undertaken had resulted in the successful application and a grant of £963,700.
(a) That delegated authority to enter into a grant agreement with the Heritage Lottery Fund for £963,700m be approved;
(b) That delegated authority to progress the Bailey Hill Project with authority to spend (funding from HLF) and Tourism Amenity Investment Support (TAIS) be approved, and authority to procure lead consultant and subsequent contractors.
(c) That a legal agreement be entered into for the development and management of Bailey Hill with Mold Town Council and the Friends of Bailey Hill and to have delegated authority to facilitate minor changes to the document.