Issue - meetings

Annual Review of Strategic Risks

Meeting: 12/09/2018 - Audit Committee (Item 24)

24 Annual Review of Strategic Risks pdf icon PDF 128 KB

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That the Committee notes the status for the 2017/18 end of year summary of the strategic risks of the Council priorities; endorsing the successful management of risks, where these are in control by the Council.


The Chief Executive presented the annual position statement on the strategic risks contained within the Council’s 2017/18 Council Plan.  This was to assure the Committee that the risk levels that were under the Council’s control were moving in a positive direction and being successfully managed.


It was reported that the 48 strategic risks within the Council Plan had been successfully managed, with the majority assessed as minor/insignificant or moderate, which was an improved position from the initial risk assessment.  The risk profile was largely unchanged over the period with 12 major (red) risks remaining, many of which were reliant on external factors.  During a summary of the red risks, good progress was reported on work being undertaken to improve the timeliness of Disabled Facility Grants.  On residential and nursing home care bed availability, it was hoped that the expansion of Marleyfield would impact positively on the risk status.  The matching of school places with changing demographics would need to be informed by the Local Development Plan (LDP) process.  To meet the scale of the financial challenge, budget workshops had been scheduled to consider a range of options to balance the budget for 2019/20, however this was dependent on a positive financial settlement from Welsh Government.




That the Committee notes the status for the 2017/18 end of year summary of the strategic risks of the Council priorities; endorsing the successful management of risks, where these are in control by the Council.