Issue - meetings
School Holiday Enrichment Programme
Meeting: 27/09/2018 - Education and Youth Overview & Scrutiny Committee (Item 16)
16 School Holiday Enrichment Programme PDF 125 KB
Additional documents:
- Appendix 1 - SHEP timetable for St David's High School, item 16
PDF 261 KB
- Appendix 2 - SHEP timetable for Ysgol Treffynnon, item 16
PDF 288 KB
(a) That the Committee applauds the work of the School Holiday Enrichment Programme 2018 and the progress made;
(b) That the Committee supports the programme in the authority in 2019 and beyond; and
(c) That the Chairman writes on behalf of the Committee to thank local businesses who provided food and support to the programme and the staff who donated their time.
The Chief Officer introduced Claire Sinnott, the Learning Advisor (Health, Wellbeing & Safeguarding) who presented a report on the range of activities undertaken through the School Holiday Enrichment Programme (SHEP).
The scheme involved the delivery of healthy meals, food and nutrition education, physical activities and enrichment sessions to pupils at two Flintshire schools for 12 days during the summer holidays. The programme had been rolled out to a number of councils in Wales following feedback from the pilot scheme and was part funded by the Welsh Local Government Association (WLGA).
Information was shared on the approach taken in Flintshire which had been developed in partnership with colleagues on a steering group. This was the first time that the scheme had been implemented in Flintshire and positive outcomes were reported from the two participating schools - Ysgol Treffynnon and St. David’s High School. Cooking activities had proved particularly popular with pupils and this was highlighted as a key skill for future development. All responses from the evaluation forms completed by pupils and parents in Flintshire had been sent to WLGA for analysis, along with those of the other authorities.
Councillor Roberts congratulated the officer on the success of the programme which he had witnessed when attending both schools.
The initiative was praised by David Hÿtch who suggested that the Chairman could write to thank the local businesses who provided support to the programme. In response to comments on attendance levels at the scheme at St. David’s High School, it was explained that pupils had access to a minibus throughout the programme. On marketing, it was recognised that an increased social media presence was important along with early engagement with parents and local businesses.
Following a request by Councillor Heesom, the Learning Advisor advised that a copy of the WLGA analysis report on the national findings would be shared with Members. This would due to be received by the end of November along with details of eligibility criteria for next year’s programme.
Councillor White felt it would be useful for the analysis to include feedback from the two schools on how Year 6 participants in the SHEP had transitioned into their new school, compared with those who did not take part.
The Chief Officer expressed her appreciation to Claire Sinnott for her enthusiasm in co-ordinating the activities in the scheme.
(a) That the Committee applauds the work of the School Holiday Enrichment Programme 2018 and the progress made;
(b) That the Committee supports the programme in the authority in 2019 and beyond; and
(c) That the Chairman writes on behalf of the Committee to thank local businesses who provided food and support to the programme and the staff who donated their time.