Issue - meetings
Capital Programme Monitoring 2018/19 (Month 6)
Meeting: 20/11/2018 - Cabinet (Item 263)
263 Capital Programme Monitoring 2018/19 (Month 6) PDF 124 KB
Additional documents:
- Enc. 1 for Capital Programme 2018/19 (Month 6), item 263 PDF 58 KB
- Enc. 2 for Capital Programme 2018/19 (Month 6), item 263 PDF 99 KB
- Enc. 3 for Capital Programme 2018/19 (Month 6), item 263 PDF 70 KB
As detailed in the recommendations.
The Corporate Finance Manager introduced the Capital Programme Monitoring 2018/19 (Month 6) report which summarised changes made to the Capital Programme 2018/19 since it was set in February 2019 to the end of Month 6 (September 2018), along with expenditure to date and projected outturn.
The Capital Programme had seen a net decrease of £6.105m during the period, which was comprised of:
· Net decreases in the programme of £6.031m (CF £1.264m, Housing Revenue Account £7.295m); and
· Carry Forward to 2019/20, approved at Month 4 (£0.074m).
Actual expenditure was £25.985m.
The final outturn for 2017/18 was a minor funding deficit of £0.068m. There had been a small number of capital receipts in year which, together with a projected shortfall of £8.216m in the capital programme 2018/19 to 2020/21, a request for an additional allocation of £0.500m towards the relocation of services to Unity House and a small increase in capital funding announced in the Provisional Settlement, put the current funding deficit, for the 3 year period, at £8.577m. This was in advance of any additional capital receipts or other funding being realised.
(a) That the overall report be approved; and
(b) That the carry forward adjustments set out in the report be approved.