Issue - meetings
Economic Ambition Board and the Proposition Document
Meeting: 23/10/2018 - Flintshire County Council (Item 54)
54 Economic Ambition Board and the Proposition Document PDF 126 KB
Additional documents:
- Enc. 1 - Proposition Document, item 54 PDF 2 MB
- Webcast for Economic Ambition Board and the Proposition Document
(a) That Council adopts the Proposition Document as (1) the basis of a longer-term regional strategy for economic growth and (2) the regional bid for the priority programmes and projects from which the content of a Growth Deal will be drawn at the Heads of Terms Agreement stage with Governments. Adoption does not commit the Council to any financial investment of its own at this stage and is subject to the financial risks and benefits of the final Growth Deal being set out in detail, for full consideration, when the final Deal is presented for approval at a later date; and
(b) That Council notes that the Leader is authorised by the Executive Board/Cabinet to commit the Council to entering Heads of Terms with Governments alongside the political and professional leaders from the nine other statutory partners represented on the North Wales Economic Ambition Board, and the North Wales Mersey Dee Business Council, with the Proposition Document setting out the parameters for the Heads of Terms agreement.
The Chief Executive presented a report on the development of the Growth Deal bid for North Wales, following adoption of the first stage Governance Agreement in June. At this stage, all regional partners were required to endorse the Proposition Document (setting out programmes and projects to be considered for inclusion in the Growth Deal) to give a mandate to their respective leaders to enter into a Heads of Terms Agreement with the UK and Welsh Governments in the Autumn.
The development of the strategy had involved complex work across the region, with the aim of accessing capital funds from both Governments to benefit business growth and employment. The second Governance Agreement at a later stage would specify risks and financial implications for the collective partnership and for individual partners.
As the Cabinet Member for Economic Development, Councillor Butler paid tribute to the Chief Executive and Leader for their part in achieving regional agreement in a timely manner. He said that the strategy for economic growth would give councils a regional voice to ensure that Welsh Government (WG) delivered on their promises.
The Leader of the Council, Councillor Aaron Shotton said that progress to date was the result of collaborative working to develop a Growth Bid to meet the needs of the region. In calling for the support of Members, he spoke about the expectations of local businesses for a regional Growth Deal.
Councillor Peers referred to discussion at the June meeting indicating that the Proposition Document was to be shared in September and a possible workshop to address a number of outstanding issues. He proposed that the report be deferred to allow time to consider the issues in detail. This was seconded by Councillor Heesom who spoke about the implications of the Growth Bid on the highways infrastructure.
In response, the Chief Executive confirmed that the document had been provided in accordance with the reported timescale of September/October as set out in the minutes of the last meeting. He clarified that no financial or contractual commitments were being made at this stage.
Councillor Richard Jones spoke in support of a deferral due to his concerns about equitable benefits across the County which he felt should have been addressed. He said that the Deeside Plan was informing the economic board and that it should have been a Flintshire Plan.
On being put the vote, the proposal to defer the report was lost.
In moving the recommendations in the report, Councillor Aaron Shotton said that the decision was crucial in achieving regional agreement to move to the next stage of negotiations. This was seconded by Councillor Attridge.
On being put to the vote, this was carried.
The Chief Executive agreed to organise an internal workshop, to brief Members in more detail, in due course.
(a) That Council adopts the Proposition Document as (1) the basis of a longer-term regional strategy for economic growth and (2) the regional bid for the priority programmes and projects from which the content of ... view the full minutes text for item 54