Issue - meetings

Annual Performance Report 2017/18

Meeting: 23/10/2018 - Cabinet (Item 241)

241 Annual Performance Report 2017/18 pdf icon PDF 109 KB

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As detailed in the recommendations.


Councillor Mullin introduced the Annual Performance Report 2017/18 report which provided a review of the Council’s progress against the Council Priorities as outlined in the Council Plan 2017/18.


            The report reflected the overall progress that had been made against the priorities and the level of confidence the Council had in achieving the desired outcomes.  It also showed the position against the 46 risks, with four risks increased in significance during the year and 10 risks reducing in significance by year end.


            The Chief Executive explained that the report would be considered at County Council later that day, with the statutory requirement to publish the report by 31st October 2018.  A small  number of performance areas had been agreed  by Cabinet and Corporate Resources Overview and Scrutiny Committee as requiring further scrutiny and reassurance for improved performance in 2018/19:


·         Leisure participation;

·         Disabled Facilities Grants (timeliness); and

·         Planning Applications (timeliness).


The service areas had all considered the annual turnout figures and provided an explanation and/or changes in processes and procedures to improve performance in-year.


The Corporate Business and Communications Executive Officer said the report was positive and demonstrated that the Council strived for continuous improvement.  The Council’s quartile profile over previous years was outlined in the report, showing the levels of improvement.




(a)       That the 2017/18 Annual Performance Report be endorsed;


(b)       That the improvement actions for the areas of service under-performance during 2017/18 be endorsed; and


(c)        That a mid-year progress report against the improvement actions be presented in November.