Issue - meetings
North Wales Learning Disability Strategy
Meeting: 23/10/2018 - Cabinet (Item 244)
244 North Wales Learning Disability Strategy PDF 105 KB
Additional documents:
- Enc. 1 for North Wales Learning Disability Strategy, item 244
- Enc. 2 for North Wales Learning Disability Strategy, item 244
PDF 701 KB
As detailed in the recommendation.
Councillor Jones introduced the North Wales Learning Disability Strategy report which set out the vision for health and social services for people with learning disabilities in North Wales. It included information on the needs of the population and what mattered to them, what change the Council wanted to see and how the strategy would be put into action. The strategy was due to go to the Regional Partnership Board for approval in November.
The Chief Officer (Social Services) explained that the vision for North Wales was based around what people had told the Council what mattered to them, which was that people with learning disabilities would have a better quality of life, live locally where they felt ‘safe and well’, where they were valued and included in their communities and had access to effective personal support that promoted independence, choice and control.
Five work packages would set out how things would be changed in order to achieve good lives for people with learning disabilities.
Putting the strategy into action had staff and financial resource implications for the six local authorities and BCUHB. The resource implications would be prepared in detail as part of the development of the five work packages. A bid had been submitted to the Welsh Government Transformation Fund to request support with the additional costs and a positive response was expected.
That the North Wales Learning Disability Strategy be endorsed.