Issue - meetings
People Strategy 2016-2019 Update
Meeting: 15/11/2018 - Corporate Resources Overview & Scrutiny Committee (Item 59)
59 People Strategy Performance Report PDF 102 KB
Additional documents:
- Enc. 1 - People Strategy 2016-19, item 59
- Enc. 2 - People Strategy Delivery Plan, item 59
(a) That the People Strategy Performance report and the progress that it illustrates be noted;
(b) That the Senior Manager, Human Resources & Organisational Development be thanked for her work on the report; and
(c) That an update be received in January and that any Chief Officers be present to explain the reasons if their areas have not achieved 100%.
The Senior Manager, Human Resources and Organisational Development presented a report giving a performance update on the People Strategy 2016-2019 with a summary of the five key strategic priorities for the remainder of 2018/19.
During 2017/18, good progress had been made on the delivery of the Apprenticeship Strategy, the downward trend in sickness absence levels and the enhanced learning and development offer. As one of the key priorities for 2018/19, significant work was being done to achieve an equitable, sustainable pay model.
In welcoming the positive report, Councillor Jones asked about the potential for achieving the 100% target on appraisal completion. The Senior Manager gave assurance that there was a high degree of challenge on Chief Officers to achieve this, and that whilst some portfolios came close to achieving the target, the difference in size between portfolios could distort figures.
Discussion took place on the suggestion for Chief Officers to attend future meetings to explain reasons for not achieving the target; a practice which had been successfully adopted at Audit Committee. Councillor Jones asked that this be put in place for the next update at the January meeting.
(a) That the People Strategy Performance report and the progress that it illustrates be noted;
(b) That the Senior Manager, Human Resources & Organisational Development be thanked for her work on the report; and
(c) That an update be received in January and that any Chief Officers be present to explain the reasons if their areas have not achieved 100%.