Issue - meetings
Action Tracking
Meeting: 13/12/2018 - Corporate Resources Overview & Scrutiny Committee (Item 66)
Additional documents:
That the report be noted.
In presenting the progress report on actions arising from previous meetings, the Democratic Services Manager advised that the two actions on the Council Plan item from the September meeting would be resolved at the next meeting in January. These were the full range of performance measures for Overview & Scrutiny and the illustration of the planning cycle for financial, business and performance planning.
Councillor Jones agreed that the outstanding action on the year-end Council Plan report could be deleted as work was starting on the 2019/20 Council Plan.
On outstanding actions from July and September, the Chief Executive asked that Members await details of the Local Government Final Settlement on recognition by Welsh Government (WG) of the cost pressures for Out of County Placements before deciding whether to make further approaches to Government for further funding. A detailed action plan on officer responses to Members - on their casework and complaints - had been shared with Group Leaders following an earlier Notice of Motion to Council, in advance of a full report to the Committee in January.
Councillor Heesom asked that further reports on the Flintshire Bridge be shared. He highlighted the importance of strategic transport integration to support the regional Growth Bid and the need to reflect this in the Ambitious Council section of the Council Plan. The Chief Executive said that the Council was not responsible for WG policy on transport routes and that funding decisions by WG were outside the Growth Bid. He would establish the timing of the next cyclical report on the bridge and share in due course.
During debate, reference was made to the report on the North East Wales Metro which linked to the Council’s integrated transport solution and had been deferred from the recent Environment Overview & Scrutiny Committee meeting. Consideration of that item to January would provide an opportunity for Members to share any concerns with Transport for Wales representatives.
That the report be noted.