Issue - meetings
Action Tracking
Meeting: 17/01/2019 - Corporate Resources Overview & Scrutiny Committee (Item 76)
Additional documents:
(a) That the report be noted; and
(b) That a letter to be sent to Welsh Government and WLGA to formally propose a new and specific national budget to meet the estimated additional costs of Out of County Placements across Wales.
The Democratic Services Manager presented the progress report on actions arising from previous meetings.
Councillor Jones referred to the outstanding action on costs for Out of County Placements which was a major risk shared by all Councils. As this had not been recognised in the Local Government Final Settlement for 2019/20 by Welsh Government (WG), he suggested that the Committee take action by writing to WG with support from other Councils.
The Chief Executive said that although no specific provision had been made, it was possible for variations to be allocated by WG at a later stage. He said that the Council and Local Government had made a strong evidenced case to WG on the matter over a period of time and that Members may wish to discuss the way forward collectively as part of the budget item at County Council on 29 January.
Councillor Shotton suggested that if the Committee wished to make such a case then an approach could be made to the Welsh Local Government Association (WLGA) as well as WG, to share intelligence collated across the Council. He suggested that this could make a more effective case perhaps involving the relevant Overview & Scrutiny Committees.
In preparation for the County Council meeting, the Chief Executive suggested that he approach the WLGA to seek support for the matter to be formally raised again with WG and for the item to be debated at the forthcoming WLGA Executive meeting. This action was proposed by Councillor Jones in addition to a letter from the Committee to highlight the concerns. On being put the vote, this was agreed.
Following comments by Councillor Heesom, Councillor Carolyn Thomas, Cabinet Member for Streetscene and Countryside - who was present in the public gallery - provided clarification on transport matters. The Chief Executive said that details on the A494-A55 ‘Red Route’ scheme would be requested from WG to share with the Committee.
(a) That the report be noted; and
(b) That a letter to be sent to Welsh Government and WLGA to formally propose a new and specific national budget to meet the estimated additional costs of Out of County Placements across Wales.