Issue - meetings

Action Tracking

Meeting: 13/06/2019 - Corporate Resources Overview & Scrutiny Committee (Item 12)

12 Action Tracking pdf icon PDF 67 KB

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That the Committee notes the progress which has been made.


The Democratic Services Manager presented the progress report on actions arising from previous meetings.


The Chief Executive reported that the breakdown of Central and Corporate Finance would form part of the Medium Term Financial Strategy (MTFS) update at the July meeting.


On the revenue budget monitoring reports, Councillor Heesom said that although monthly variances were shown, it was important that Members were able to monitor actual expenditure levels in each Overview & Scrutiny portfolio area.  In response, the Chief Executive said that the approved budget was published.  As an interim report was scheduled for July, he agreed to review the report format for September.


Councillor Jones said that monitoring reports already provided this information and that more detail was needed on the causes for major variances.  The Chief Executive agreed that the format would be reviewed.


The recommendations of the report were moved by Councillor Jones and seconded by Councillor Collett.




That the Committee notes the progress which has been made.