Issue - meetings
School Transport – Transport Anomalies
Meeting: 20/11/2018 - Cabinet (Item 260)
260 School Transport – Transport Anomalies PDF 83 KB
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As detailed in the recommendation.
Councillor Thomas introduced the School Transport – Transport Anomalies report following a report submitted to Environment Overview and Scrutiny Committee in July 2018 to identify options for managing some of the non-statutory transport arrangements. Cabinet had subsequently approved the manner for dealing with the anomalies in July 2018.
Given the challenges facing the Council in respect of budgets, it was now proposed that the historical anomalies should be withdrawn from July 2020 with 12 months’ notice to be given to parents/carers and schools of the withdrawal, which would allow sufficient time for alternative travel arrangements to and from school to be made.
Councillor Thomas said this was a difficult recommendation to present as she understood the effect of the decision, particularly on transport in rural areas. However, there was a need for consistency which was addressed within the report.
Following a request from Councillor Thomas that the measuring tool be made available online, the Chief Officer (Governance) said it would be looked into. The Chief Officer (Education and Youth) explained that the School Admissions team spent a lot of time explaining to parents how the measuring tool worked and that would continue. Heads of primary and secondary schools would also be encouraged to be more proactive with providing information on school transport.
That the timelines for removing the historical non-statutory school transport arrangements and cessation of subsidised bus services carrying non-eligible learners be approved.