Issue - meetings
21st Century Schools Programme - Modernisation of the Portfolio Pupil Referral Unit Provision & Queensferry Community Primary (C.P.) School
Meeting: 20/11/2018 - Cabinet (Item 270)
21st Century Schools Programme - Modernisation of the Portfolio Pupil Referral Unit Provision & Queensferry Community Primary (C.P.) School
As detailed in the recommendation.
Councillor Roberts introduced the 21st Century Schools Programme – Modernisation of the Portfolio Pupil Referral Unit (PPRU) Provision & Queensferry Community Primary (C.P.) School report which identified an option for Cabinet to consider in relation to capital investment and modernisation of the PPRU and Queensferry C.P. infrastructure.
That the continuation of the proposed capital project for the PPRU and Queensferry CP for the procurement of a contractor, to design, develop, tender and complete a full Business Case submission to Welsh Government, in line with the programme 21st Century Schools Band B criteria be approved.