Issue - meetings

Local Toilets Strategy

Meeting: 27/11/2018 - Environment Overview & Scrutiny Committee - Expired 13/07/20 (Item 31)

31 Local Toilets Strategy pdf icon PDF 86 KB

To inform Scrutiny of the upcoming consultation period on the Council’s Local Toilets Strategy


(a)       That the Committee supports   the formal public consultation exercise required to deliver the Council’s Local Toilets Strategy; and


(b)       That a report be submitted at the end of the consultation process to provide feedback on the comments received and a draft Local Toilets Strategy for further scrutiny by the Committee.


            The Highway Strategy Manager provided background information and advised that the production of a Local Toilets Strategy would require a consultation process to be undertaken with all relevant stakeholders to help understand local demand and local need for the service which would subsequently inform the Council’s Strategy going forward. 


The Highway Network Manager reported on the main considerations, as detailed in the report, and explained that whilst the consultation needed to ascertain the location, access, facilities provided, frequency of use, and quality of existing sites, it also had to determine whether additional or fewer sites balanced the demand and need against a deteriorating budget position.  The final Strategy and proposals would need to be sustainable without significantly increasing financial pressure on the Council.  The outcome of the consultation, together with the recommended Public Toilet Strategy would be presented to Cabinet for approval in April 2019 and to Overview & Scrutiny for their comments beforehand to enable the Council to have the Strategy in place by May 2019.


In response to a question from Councillor Joe Johnson regarding the number of public toilets in Flintshire, the Chief Officer (Streetscene and Transportation) explained that there were 4 and, following a previous decision, the general public also had access to the toilet facilities available in Council buildings rather than dedicated sites, and cited library and leisure centres as examples.


Councillor Chris Dolphin referred to the closure of the public conveniences in Holywell and asked if the building was to be demolished or sold, as it had been closed for some time.  The Chief Officer (Streetscene and Transportation) explained that when public conveniences in a dedicated site were closed the building formed part of the County’s assets.  He agreed to make enquiries with the assets team regarding   this matter and report back to Councillor Dolphin.


Councillor Sean Bibby asked if discussions had taken place with local businesses about allowing the general public to access the toilet facilities in their buildings, and cited local pubs and cafes as examples.  The Chief Officer explained that this option had been introduced in some areas of Wales, however feedback suggested that these facilities were not always   suitable for elderly people or young children. 


Councillor Paul Shotton commented on the need for local businesses to engage more fully with the initiative to increase footfall in local town centres.  Councillor Carolyn Thomas suggested that Members contact the local businesses in their Wards to encourage interest in the scheme. The Chief Officer Streetscene and Transportation agreed to enquire regarding the current status of the scheme and circulate to members.


Councillor David Evans stressed the importance of toilet facilities on the Wales Coast Path and on cycle routes. 




(a)       That the Committee supports   the formal public consultation exercise required to deliver the Council’s Local Toilets Strategy; and


(b)       That a report be submitted at the end of the consultation process to provide feedback on the comments received and a draft Local Toilets Strategy for further scrutiny by the Committee.