Issue - meetings

Fleet Contract – Update

Meeting: 15/01/2019 - Environment Overview & Scrutiny Committee - Expired 13/07/20 (Item 44)

44 Fleet Contract – Update pdf icon PDF 93 KB


That the report be noted.



The Highways Network Manager introduced the report to provide an update on the progress of the countywide Fleet Contract  two years after implementation and with an evaluation of the  efficiencies delivered by the change in delivery method.


The Highways Network Manager provided background information and referred to the key considerations, as detailed in the report, concerning the anticipated financial benefits and the current position, and the anticipated service benefits.  He reported that the majority of anticipated service benefits had been realised and the fleet had been modernised with replaced vehicles.  The actual total cumulative saving of the Fleet Contract by Year 2 (17/18) is calculated as £1,134,912, however, this is made up by the much improved position of non-cashable savings provided from the reduced processing of invoices.


The Highways Network Manager advised that an Internal Audit review of the contract was undertaken in May 2018, as a matter of good practice, and had identified areas where the Authority needed to work more closely to ensure activities became embedded in service area’s review processes.  He added that advice and information from the Fleet Team and the partnering contractor are acted on to improve utilisation and efficiencies.  An Action Plan is in place to resolve all outstanding issues raised in the report.


Referring to the modernisation of the Authority’s fleet of vehicles following the provision of new vehicles by the partner, the Chief Officer said this had resulted in fewer vehicles in operation than in the past and greater efficiency with less maintenance and repair work required.  As a result proposals are being considered to enable the in-house workshop staff who carry out the maintenance activities on the vehicles on behalf of the contractor, to take on third party business through the workshops with the Authority to be paid for the hours worked.


Members expressed appreciation to the Chief Officer and his team for the progress and efficiencies achieved to date as a result of the new fleet working arrangements.




That the report be noted.