Issue - meetings
Bright Spots
Meeting: 15/11/2018 - Social & Health Care Overview & Scrutiny Committee (Item 35)
Additional documents:
- Enc. 1 for Bright Spots, item 35
- Enc. 2 for Bright Spots, item 35
PDF 229 KB
- Enc. 3 for Bright Spots, item 35
PDF 462 KB
(a) That the findings and perspectives of looked after children from the ‘Your Life, Your Care Flintshire full report’ be noted; and
(b) That the development of a co-produced action plan with looked after children, which sets out a local authority response to the key recommendations indentified in the Bright Sports full report, be endorsed.
The Resources Services Manager introduced a report to consider the findings and perspectives of looked after children in the survey ‘Your Life: Your Care’. He advised that during February - March 2018 all children in care in Flintshire were asked to participate in a survey about their well-being. The survey ‘Your Life: Your Care’ was developed by Coram Voice and University of Bristol as part of the Bright Spots programme. The survey asked children in care about their life, based on the things that were important to them. The Resources Services Manager advised that the local authority would use the key findings to inform service development and support arrangements for children in care.
The Resources Services Manager provided background information and explained that the primary objectives of the survey were to identify where children appeared to be flourishing, where things could be improved, providing an evidence based analysis of children’s experiences and well-being, and to inform service improvements. The survey published three documents which were appended to the report. The Resources Services Manager reported on the key findings and areas of development arising from the survey, as detailed in the report. He advised that work would be undertaken through the consultation and engagement forum for looked after children and with foster carers to develop an informed action plan to learn, and where appropriate, extend good practice as well as enhance support in areas for development.
Councillor Hilary McGuill commented on the statistic that 82% of children (aged 8-11) did not feel they were included in decision making about their lives and asked what was being done to address this. The Resources Services Manager explained that this information had been reported back to social workers and would feedback to the Independent Review service.
(a) That the findings and perspectives of looked after children from the ‘Your Life, Your Care Flintshire full report’ be noted; and
(b) That the development of a co-produced action plan with looked after children, which sets out a local authority response to the key recommendations indentified in the Bright Sports full report, be endorsed.