Issue - meetings

Outdoor Children's Play Areas

Meeting: 20/11/2018 - Cabinet (Item 266)

266 Outdoor Children's Play Areas pdf icon PDF 201 KB


As detailed in the recommendations.


            Councillor Roberts introduced the Outdoor Children’s Play Areas report which highlighted two recommendations from Aura to the Council.  These were based on the Council’s match-funding revenue budget and capital allocations to meet all expressions of interest received from Town and Community Councils, and to sustain the existing network of play areas by improving sites considered to be in the poorest condition.


            Councillor Thomas welcomed the report which, following the establishment of a Task and Finish Group some 8 years previous, resulted in the culmination of over 100 play areas in the County receiving investment.  Councillor Bithell concurred and commented on the examples of good collaboration with Town and Community Councils to secure the areas for children now and into the future.




(a)       That all 23 expressions of interest received for the 2018/19 match-funding programme be supported and that the oversubscription of cost of £0.063m is met from the remaining £0.140m year 2 capital allocation; and


(b)       That the remaining £0.077m of the year 2 capital programme, together with the remaining circa £0.040m of Year 3 (£0.200m minus circa £0.080m-£0.100m for Bailey Hill and £0.060m for the replacement of two 3G pitches at Deeside Leisure Centre) is utilised to improve the play area sites identified in the appendix to the report.