Issue - meetings

Regional Homeless Strategy and Local Action Plan

Meeting: 19/12/2018 - Community and Enterprise Overview & Scrutiny Committee (Item 45)

45 Regional Homeless Strategy and Local Action Plan pdf icon PDF 92 KB

Additional documents:


(a)       That the Committee supports the North Wales Regional Homelessness Strategy and high level action plan; and


(b)       That the Committee supports the priority actions highlighted within the Flintshire Homelessness local action plan, as detailed within the report.


The Chief Officer (Housing and Assets) introduced an update report on the development of a regional strategy which was a statutory requirement.  He spoke about the benefits of a regional partnership which aimed to create a culture of improved and effective collaboration to address specific root causes of homelessness.  Reference was made to the Council’s proactive approach in tackling youth homelessness including preventative work at an early stage in partnership with Education.


The Customer Support Manager explained that the initial review had helped to verify existing data to feed into the local action plan.  This was based on the three agreed themes of the regional strategy - People, Homes and Services - but also reflected local priorities.  A summary of priorities under each theme was set out in the report, involving working with other Council services.  It was suggested that an update on progress against the local action plan be scheduled in the New Year.


Councillor Attridge acknowledged the strength of a regional approach and gave assurance that local priorities were also reflected in the action plan.


Councillor Palmer stressed the importance of provision being made available following a relationship breakdown.  The Customer Support Manager agreed to speak with him outside the meeting regarding an issue in his ward.  As requested by Councillor Hardcastle, she agreed to circulate details of the number of homeless individuals currently placed in Bed and Breakfast accommodation.


Councillor Butler spoke about the need for intervention by the UK and Welsh Governments to help bring empty accommodation above town centre shops back into use.


During discussion, Members spoke in support of the Council’s approach to addressing rough sleeping in the County.  The impact of Government policy on renting properties and direct payments was also highlighted.


As Flintshire’s representative on the regional strategy, the Housing Strategy Manager said that the approach also provided positive opportunities for sharing best practice and learning.




(a)       That the Committee supports the North Wales Regional Homelessness Strategy and high level action plan; and


(b)       That the Committee supports the priority actions highlighted within the Flintshire Homelessness local action plan, as detailed within the report.