Issue - meetings
Pay Policy Statement for 2019/20
Meeting: 29/01/2019 - Flintshire County Council (Item 92)
92 Pay Policy Statement for 2019/20 PDF 87 KB
Additional documents:
- Enc. 1 for Pay Policy Statement for 2019/20, item 92 PDF 272 KB
- Enc. 2 for Pay Policy Statement for 2019/20, item 92 PDF 955 KB
- Webcast for Pay Policy Statement for 2019/20
That the Pay Policy Statement for 2019/20 be approved, and the latest Equal Pay Audit be noted.
The Chief Executive introduced the Pay Policy Statement report and explained that all local authorities were required to publish a Pay Policy Statement annually. This was the seventh annual statement published by the Council.
The Senior Manager of Human Resources and Organisational Development said the latest Equal Pay Audit was appended to the report for information.
The Pay Policy Statement formed a key component of the organisation’s approach to managing its workforce in general and, in particular, reward and recognition which was one of the five strategic priorities of the People Strategy 2016-19.
Sections subject to amendment during the course of the year were:
· Section 6 – the Government had for some time been planning to implement a cap on Public Sector exit payments of £95,000 and a process of recovery of Chief Officer exit payments where certain conditions applied. Any changes would be effected by the Enterprise Act 2016. The Act gave powers to Welsh Ministers to ‘relax’ any regulations made. At the time of writing the report draft regulations were awaited to be consulted upon which would then give any powers to Welsh Ministers to determine the approach in Wales; and
· Section 11 – one agreement had been reached on a new pay policy.
That the Pay Policy Statement for 2019/20 be approved, and the latest Equal Pay Audit be noted.