Issue - meetings

Flintshire’s Fostering Service

Meeting: 13/12/2018 - Social & Health Care Overview & Scrutiny Committee (Item 43)

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(a)       That the Committee supports  the current work of the Flintshire Fostering Services to provide its statutory and legal obligations as we move to the new Regulation and Inspection of Social Care (Wales) Act  (RISCA) framework;


(b)       That the Committee Supports the Service’s approach of continued innovation to identify and implement new models of Foster Care arrangements; and 


(c)        That the Committee supports the realignment and investment of resources and staff in the development of the service which supports our approach to reducing residential ‘out of county’ placements.


            The Senior Manager – Children and Workforce introduced a report setting out the proposals for developing and enhancing Flintshire’s approach to Fostering.  He explained that the Council had a well-run and effective Fostering Service and said foster carers were an integral part of the workforce, providing high quality committed care.  However, the Service faced significant challenges which included attracting and developing foster carers to support children with complex needs; older children and sibling groups; responding to court timelines to assess ‘Connected Persons’; and competing with independent fostering agencies which offered higher financial remuneration for foster care. 


The Senior Manager – Children and Workforce referred to the main considerations, as summarised in the report, and the range of proactive and innovative approaches the Service was taking in response.  He reported that the Service had recently been awarded a grant through the NESTA ‘Innovate to Save’ scheme which would provide the funding to research a new model of foster care called the Fostering Network’s Mockingbird Programme of family care.


In response to the suggestion from Councillor Kevin Hughes on instigating a recruitment campaign in the local press or via social media, the Senior Manager – Children and Workforce outlined the initiatives which were ongoing within the service to address the issue of recruitment and referred to the regional and national campaigns for one model for Wales by the Welsh Government which the Service had significantly invested in.


            Councillor Dave Mackie commented on the assessment process for Connected Persons and emphasised the importance of the caring role provided by Connected Persons and the life-changing circumstances that can occur as a result.   


            Members expressed their support and appreciation for the work undertaken by Flintshire’s Fostering Service.




(a)       That the Committee supports  the current work of the Flintshire Fostering Services to provide its statutory and legal obligations as we move to the new Regulation and Inspection of Social Care (Wales) Act  (RISCA) framework;


(b)       That the Committee Supports the Service’s approach of continued innovation to identify and implement new models of Foster Care arrangements; and 


(c)        That the Committee supports the realignment and investment of resources and staff in the development of the service which supports our approach to reducing residential ‘out of county’ placements.