Issue - meetings

Corporate Anti-Fraud and Corruption Strategy and Fraud and Irregularity Response Plan

Meeting: 15/02/2019 - Audit Committee (Item 50)

50 Corporate Anti-Fraud and Corruption Strategy and Fraud and Irregularity Response Plan pdf icon PDF 83 KB

Additional documents:


(a)       That subject to the amendments, the updated Corporate Anti-Fraud & Corruption Strategy be agreed; and


(b)       That the updated Fraud & Irregularity Response Plan be agreed.


The Principal Auditor presented the report on the updated Corporate Anti-Fraud & Corruption Strategy and Fraud & Irregularity Response Plan.


The Chief Officer (Governance) said that the revised document provided more clarity for individuals outside the Council and that contractors would be made aware as part of the procurement bidding process.


Sally Ellis reiterated issues which she had raised with the Internal Audit Manager at the pre-briefing.  These related to the importance of the Committee receiving an overview of fraud issues, clearer definition of ‘irregularity’ in the Strategy and consistency on where safeguarding issues were dealt with.  In response to further comments, the Principal Auditor provided details on the rollout of the training programme on the Strategy.


Councillor Johnson commented that the report should indicate the relevant Cabinet Member responsibility or otherwise, despite the fact that this was a non-executive function.  On consultation with Trade Unions, it was confirmed that feedback had been incorporated into the documents.


It was agreed that ‘where applicable’ should be removed from section 8.15 of the Strategy and that the double negative in section 2.6 would be corrected.




(a)       That subject to the amendments, the updated Corporate Anti-Fraud & Corruption Strategy be agreed; and


(b)       That the updated Fraud & Irregularity Response Plan be agreed.