Issue - meetings
White Paper: Reform of Fire and Rescue Authorities in Wales.
Meeting: 29/01/2019 - Flintshire County Council (Item 91)
91 White Paper: Reform of Fire and Rescue Authorities in Wales PDF 86 KB
Additional documents:
- Enc. 1 for White Paper: Reform of Fire and Rescue Authorities in Wales., item 91 PDF 694 KB
- Enc. 2 for White Paper: Reform of Fire and Rescue Authorities in Wales., item 91 PDF 63 KB
- Webcast for White Paper: Reform of Fire and Rescue Authorities in Wales
That the draft responses to the questions in appendix 2 be endorsed as the formal Flintshire response to the Reform of Fire and Rescue Services in Wales White Paper.
The Chief Executive introduced the White Paper: Reform of Fire and Rescue Authorities in Wales report which provided details of the proposed changes to the governance and membership of fire and rescue authorities, and their relationship with constituent local authorities in budget-setting.
The Council had not expressed any concerns over the governance of the North Wales Fire and Rescue Authority and had been satisfied that the Authority had fully engaged the Council, as a constituent local authority, in consultations on its key strategies and its budget strategy. The responses to the consultation questions within the White Paper were appended to the report.
Councillor Owen Thomas said he had been a member of the North Wales Fire and Rescue Authority for seven years and it was a very efficient organisation despite having cuts to their budget year on year. He commented on initiatives undertaken by the service to help achieve efficiencies such as smoke alarms being installed in homes as a preventative measure and the closure of some fire stations. He did not support the White Paper. Councillor Paul Shotton said fire fighters deserved the continued support of the authority and he fully supported the Council’s response.
The Chairman commented on his employment in the Fire Service and said funding for the service should be from Central Government, as it should for the Police.
That the draft responses to the questions in appendix 2 be endorsed as the formal Flintshire response to the Reform of Fire and Rescue Services in Wales White Paper.