Issue - meetings

Risk Management Update

Meeting: 15/02/2019 - Audit Committee (Item 47)

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That the status of the initial overview of strategic risks of the 2018/19 priorities of the Council be noted.


The Corporate Business & Communications Executive Officer presented an update on the strategic risks at Quarter 3 contained within the Council’s 2018/19 Council Plan, together with a more specific update to show how risk management fitted into the financial and business planning cycle of the Council.


A presentation was given on the model for the cycle which comprised of three elements - financial planning, internal business planning, and controls and external context.  On the second element, it was noted that for 2019, Part 1 of the Council Plan would be set in May.  The model, which had been developed with the assistance of Chief Officers, had been well received by Corporate Resources Overview & Scrutiny Committee Members who had requested it.  During the quarterly update, attention was drawn to details of the seven red risks and others which had been closed in-year.


On risk ST152, Councillor Peers disagreed with the green risk trend as the delivery of affordable housing through the private sector was not being met due to attempts by developers to avoid their obligations under the HSG10 policy.  He felt that the risk should be re-examined (with Planning colleagues), together with the escalating risk on debt levels in relation to affordability of rent or Council Tax.


On the latter, the Chief Officer (Governance) referred to the forthcoming joint meeting with Overview & Scrutiny Chairs which would allocate responsibility for monitoring risks.  He remarked on a forthcoming Overview & Scrutiny report on rent arrears and proposed national changes which may affect Council Tax collection rates.


In highlighting the importance of income collection, Sally Ellis suggested that wording on the risk for debt levels be expanded to capture a broader range of individuals who may be impacted, for example through increased Council Tax.  Councillor Johnson pointed out that it was not only Council tenants who would be affected by Council Tax rises.


The Chief Officer explained that the wording reflected the higher exposure to risk to individuals affected by Universal Credit.  The Executive Officer said that development of the Council Plan for 2019/20 would be an appropriate time to review the wording under the poverty theme.


The Principal Auditor confirmed that both issues were included in the Audit Plan for 2019, subject to approval.




That the status of the initial overview of strategic risks of the 2018/19 priorities of the Council be noted.