Issue - meetings

Sheltered Housing Review

Meeting: 23/01/2019 - Community and Enterprise Overview & Scrutiny Committee (Item 52)

52 Sheltered Accommodation Review pdf icon PDF 113 KB


(a)       That the Committee supports amending the eligibility for all mini-groups and sheltered schemes to age 55 with the intention that they are all brought in line with the Housing Associations and Local Authority SARTH partners, subject to the review of current applicants between the age of 50 to 55; and


(b)       That the Committee supports the scope of an officer review as outlined within the report.


The Chief Officer (Housing and Assets) presented a report on the proposed review of sheltered accommodation within the context of an increasing demand for social housing across Flintshire; an increasing number of people with physical disabilities; and the strategic principle in the draft Housing Strategy of making the best use of existing stock.


The Chief Officer summarised the various data underpinning the review including reasons for non-occupation, the establishment of effective transport links and exploring new technology to support residents to live in their accommodation for as long as practicable.  Views were sought on the proposal to align the Council’s age criteria to that of the Housing Association partners of Single Access Route to Housing (SARTH), ie over 55 years old.


Whilst understanding the reason for changing the age range, Councillor Palmer expressed concerns that this should not be at the expense of those aged 50-55.  The Chief Officer suggested that a fair approach would be to review applicants in that age range currently registered on SARTH to avoid them being disadvantaged, before agreeing a cut-off point.


In noting that this was a difficult decision, Councillor Shotton spoke in support of the proposed change.  Councillor Attridge said that the SARTH process had improved greatly since its introduction and he gave assurance that older people in most need would be accommodated.


Councillor Dolphin referred to blocks of apartments developed by Wales & West Housing which could be suitable for individuals aged over 50 living alone.


Following a question by Councillor Hardcastle, the Senior Sheltered Housing Officer provided explanation on the recycling of mobility equipment where an adapted property could not be matched to applicants on the specialist housing register.




(a)       That the Committee supports amending the eligibility for all mini-groups and sheltered schemes to age 55 with the intention that they are all brought in line with the Housing Associations and Local Authority SARTH partners, subject to the review of current applicants between the age of 50 to 55; and


(b)       That the Committee supports the scope of an officer review as outlined within the report.