Issue - meetings

Flintshire Electoral Review

Meeting: 29/01/2019 - Flintshire County Council (Item 90)

90 Flintshire Electoral Review pdf icon PDF 93 KB

Additional documents:


(a)       That the proposals be submitted to the Local Democracy and Boundary Commission for Wales with the document clearly showing which colour relates to which option; and


(b)       That the Council provide background information to the Local Democracy and Boundary Commission for Wales in support of the positive proposals included in the appendix and, in the case of those areas where no compliant proposal was made, the full set of options considered by Members.


            The Democratic Services Manager introduced the Flintshire Electoral Review report.  The appendix to the report outlined the proposals to be submitted to the Local Democracy and Boundary Commission for Wales (LDBCW) based on the extensive work undertaken with Members.


            The Chief Executive explained the colour coding in the appendix, and said if Members agreed that the document captured the suggestions made by them then it would be sent to the Commission.  The colour coding was:


·         Green – proposals where there was agreement and it was within a variance of 25% of the proposed County average;

·         Amber – proposals where there was some disagreement but it was a ‘favoured’ option and it was within a variance of 25% of the proposed County average; and

·         Red – proposals where there was no agreement or the proposals was not compliant as it was not within a variation of 25% of the County average.


Following a number of comments and suggestions from Members, it was agreed that the document would clearly show which options related to which colour where more than one option was shown.


Councillor Richard Lloyd felt the document should include reference to single Member electoral wards.


Following a question from Councillor Brown the Chief Executive said the Boundary Commission could be asked how much the review had cost.


The Commission would now prepare Draft Proposals for the electoral arrangements for the County of Flintshire which would be published in Autumn 2019 – a 12 week consultation period would then follow.  At Stage Three the Commission would prepare a Final Proposals Report which would be submitted to Welsh Government in 2020 along with those for all other Councils in Wales.


Councillor Bithell thanked the team for the work undertaken with Members on the electoral review.




(a)       That the proposals be submitted to the Local Democracy and Boundary Commission for Wales with the document clearly showing which colour relates to which option; and


(b)       That the Council provide background information to the Local          Democracy and Boundary Commission for Wales in support of the       positive proposals included in the appendix and, in the case of those    areas where no compliant proposal was made, the full set of options             considered by Members.