Issue - meetings
Annual Corporate Safeguarding Report
Meeting: 19/02/2019 - Cabinet (Item 318)
318 Annual Corporate Safeguarding Report PDF 87 KB
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As detailed in the recommendations.
Councillor Jones introduced the Annual Corporate Safeguarding report which set out the work being undertaken to ensure that the Council fulfilled its safeguarding responsibilities.
Safeguarding was the responsibility of all services across the Council, not just those who worked directly with children and vulnerable people. The Council’s responsibilities for safeguarding was set out in legislation including the Social Services and Well-being (Wales) Act 2014. The Act was implemented in April 2016 and created a duty on all local authority employees, elected Members and relevant partners to report any actual or suspected incidents of abuse or harm.
Councillor Mullin explained that the report identified good news stories including how concerns raised by a Council sub-contractor regarding the safety of a child resulted in Social Services intervention. This demonstrated the importance of all employees and contractors reporting concerns, ensuring appropriate investigations and actions were taken. Key actions to be completed during 2019, agreed by the Corporate Safeguarding Panel, were outlined in the report.
(a) That Cabinet be assured that work is being undertaken to improve corporate arrangements for safeguarding children and adults; and
(b) That the Corporate Safeguarding Annual Report 2018 be approved prior to publication.