Issue - meetings

Quarter 3 Council Plan 2018/19 Monitoring Report

Meeting: 26/02/2019 - Environment Overview & Scrutiny Committee - Expired 13/07/20 (Item 53)

53 Quarter 3 Council Plan 2018/19 Monitoring Report pdf icon PDF 117 KB

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That the Committee notes the Quarter 3 Council Plan Monitoring Report 2018/19.



The Chief Officer (Planning, Environment and Economy) introduced a report to present a summary of performance for the Quarter 3 (October to December 2018) position of  2018/19 for the Council Plan priority ‘Green Council’ relevant to the Committee. 


The Chief Officer advised that the Quarter 3 monitoring report was a positive report and showed that 92% of activities were making good progress with 85% likely to achieve their desired outcomes.  67% of the performance indicators had met or exceeded their targets.  Risks were being managed with the majority being assessed as moderate (61%) and minor/insignificant 22%.  The report was an exception based report and therefore focussed on the areas of under-performance.


The Chief Officer referred to the major risk identified for the Committee that ‘funding will not be secured for priority flood alleviation schemes’.  He advised that from 7 January 2019, the Council had a new statutory duty as a Sustainable Drainage Approving Body (SAB).  He explained that this had placed significant resource demands on the small Flood and Coastal Risk Management Team to implement, resource and fund this new statutory role.  He continued that in the short-term the impacts of developing this new service would lessen the ability of the Team to deliver non-statutory flood alleviation schemes.


Referring to the SAB regulations introduced on the 7January, Councillor Chris Bithell reported that   Flintshire had asked the WG to delay implementation because of the need to prepare, however, there had been no delay and a sum of £20,000 had been received to deal with the implementation.


Councillor Paul Shotton referred to page 68 of the  report and the comment that for 2018/19 waste and flood allocations were to be removed from the Single Revenue Grant (SRG) and asked for an update.-  He added that  there needed to be more sites earmarked for renewable energy schemes across Flintshire.  He referred to the hydro scheme at Wepre and asked if there was potential for any other schemes in Flintshire.


The Chief Officer advised that a  SEG enabling nature grant had been submitted and   a response was expected by the end of March .   On the subject of renewable energy he commented that the Council was always looking at options and advised that the Council were looking at potential sites for  solar farms within the County.




That the Committee notes the Quarter 3 Council Plan Monitoring Report 2018/19.